2.3 A unique World

Terra Unica

Isobella - Gaelic (Irish Gaelic)
with English translation
I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh,
(You live from the beginning to the end,)
I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh.
(You live from the beginning to the end.)
Isobella, o.
Isobella, o.
I do lá's tú go samh
(A day that belongs to you, tranquil)
I do lá's tú go fior.
(A day that belongs to you, pure of heart.)
Grá, anois go deo na ndeor.
(Love, now and forever).
I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh,
(You live from the beginning to the end,)
I do bheatha sa tús, sa deireadh.
(You live from the beginning to the end.)
Isobella, o.
Isobella, o.
I do lá's tú gan buairt
(Your day has no sorrow)
I do lá's tú gan bron
(Your day has no sadness)
Grá, anois go deo
(Love now and forever)
Grá, anois go deo na ndeor.
(Love now and forever.)
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