The so-called LO SHU Magic Square
with magic constant 15
and two special properties.

Melencolia I is a 1514 engraving by the German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer.
Remark that the numbers in the middle cells of the last row form the year 1514.

The diagrams show you in how many ways
you can find 4 numbers adding up to 34.

On the left side you see the winning poster
of the 25th edition of the Flemisch Math Olympiad.
I designed this poster with my students in 2010.
The picture in each of the 25 cells of the square
refers to a number from 1 to 25.
If you replace each picture by the corresponding number, you get a magic square with magic constant 65.
More details (in Dutch) on

On the left hand side you see a magic square.
Write down each number 'in words' and count the number of letters of each word.
Put the nine numbers you obtain in this way in the corresponding cells of a second square.
This square is also a magic square!
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